Year-End Office Market Report

In 2020, Atlanta experienced its first negative net absorption since 2011 (-341,177 SF). Vacancy reached 16.2%, the highest year-end vacancy rate since 2014. While there has been a lot of talk about office tenants fleeing to the suburbs, Atlanta CBD gained 278,736 SF in 2020 while the suburbs lost 619,913 SF of tenants. Sublease availability rose to 2.2 MSF in Q4, 1 MSF higher than the availability at the end of Q4-19 and now makes up 6% of the total available product. Despite record deliveries, new construction has picked up with 6.2 MSF currently under construction in Atlanta, signaling the market is expecting to pick back up. Tenant tours are expected to pick up and companies are expected to get back in the office by Q3-21. To read the full report, click the button below.