Savannah’s industrial market has experienced tremendous growth over the last few years due to having the fourth busiest US port, and its strategic location in the Southeast. The port has set records almost every month this year as container volume has risen 21%, roughly 900,000 TEU’s over 2020. Major infrastructure improvements such as the Mason Mega Rail Terminal and ongoing channel deepening, set to complete early 2022, has attracted increased interest from third party logistics…
Atlanta’s Office Market is starting to gain traction compared to other national office markets. Atlanta continues to land large office tenants such as Microsoft, Cisco, Visa, Papa John’s, and FanDuel to develop national and regional headquarters. While effects of the pandemic are still felt throughout the market, the large leases signed by large multi-national companies show the growing tech and financial hub that Atlanta is becoming. Overall absorption improved significantly compared to Q2 of 2021…
Atlanta’s industrial market continues to roll along to new heights. While net absorption was down this quarter, it was still a robust 5.3 MSF and now top 26.3 MSF for the year, which tops the record set in 2017. In addition, the vacancy rate dropped to a record low of 4.4%, down 50 basis points in just 90 days, and the lowest rate ever seen. Due to the high demand for space, rental rates are…
Q3 2021 Atlanta Industrial Submarket Reports
I-20 / Fulton Industrial Submarket Report Northwest Submarket Report Northeast Submarket Report South Atlanta Submarket Report
Q3 2021 Atlanta Office Submarket Reports
Our 2021 Q3 Office Submarket Reports have arrived! Click on the images below to read:
Q2 2021 Atlanta Office Submarket Reports
Our 2021 Q1 Office Submarket Reports have arrived! Click on the images below to read:
Q2 2021 Atlanta Office Market Report Quarter two was another tough quarter for the Atlanta office market. Many office buildings are running at less than 35% capacity, as the goalpost for workers to return to the office has moved until after Labor Day. Net absorption was a positive 133,978 SF for Q2, the first positive absorption quarter in a year. Average asking rental rates increased $.40 over Q1 moving up to $28.97, while 1.6 MSF of new space delivered and…
Q2 2021 Atlanta Industrial Market Report
The Second Quarter Atlanta Industrial market continues to sizzle. Overall absorption reached almost 9 MSF, which is one of the strongest quarters ever. At the same time, the vacancy rate has dropped under 5% for the first time in over 30 years. Rental rates continue to increase with high demand and limited supply coming to market. Demand for E-Commerce warehouse space and the need to keep extra supplies on hand are causing users to reevaluate…
Q1 2021 Atlanta Office Submarket Reports
Our 2021 Q1 Office Submarket Reports have arrived! Click on the images below to read: