Lee & Associates – Houston Unveils Advanced Broker Training Program Details


May 23, 2024 (HOUSTON) –

Embarking on a career in commercial real estate brokerage involves the navigation of a myriad of challenges. Aspiring brokers must quickly digest a wealth of information due to the industry’s frequently evolving trends, established commercial methodologies, and terminology. The complex industry landscape requires a solid understanding of market dynamics, effective networking, and continuous learning.

Lee & Associates – Houston offers a robust broker training program where aspiring brokers receive comprehensive training in research, data collection, market statistics, and client prospecting. Led by research veteran Mary Doetterl, Research Manager, the program initially positions future brokers as analysts before they transition to the associate position. Crucially, analysts and associates also have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from the firm’s seasoned brokers.

With numerous recent graduates joining the growing brokerage firm over the past year, well-versed brokers like Mason Alsbrooks, Principal, and Josh Carl, Director, who both went through the analyst program, now play key roles in educating and advising new analysts and associates. Alsbrooks, promoted to Principal in under seven years, and Carl, promoted to Director in under three years, represent the effectiveness of the analyst program. Their rapid advancements showcase the program’s ability to develop highly skilled and productive brokers.

Through Young Broker meetings led by Alsbrooks and Carl, essential advice on productivity and expectations is shared. When asked for their most valuable advice, Alsbrooks and Carl emphasized patience, resilience, networking, time management, and finding a good mentor. Developing strong habits and a reputable personal brand is also critical for success.

Alsbrooks advises that “building your own brand is fundamental.” Attributes such as integrity, respect, and consistency are paramount in earning trust and facilitating a steady client base. He emphasizes optimizing learning and skill stacking early on, while ensuring not to rush the process.

Carl advocates for having a directional plan and mentors to turn to amidst setbacks. Focusing on a specific area to pursue and accumulating knowledge to become an expert in the area can greatly enhance confidence in providing top-tier services to clients.

Networking is a cornerstone of commercial real estate, as brokers operate within an ecosystem of professionals who can influence transactions and clients. Both brokers highly recommend attending industry events where relationship building with potential clients and other professionals takes place.

Overall, Carl notes from his experience in industrial brokerage, “the highs are high, and the lows can be very low in the business.” Prioritizing hard work while balancing life is pivotal for a successful long-term career.

“When it comes to empowering our next generation of brokers, it’s all about giving them the tools they need to thrive. We are investing both in their future and the future of Lee & Associates by providing them with a real-deal training program that sets them up for success. The mentorship aspect of the program is also extremely important to us; for our younger brokers to have someone that has been there, done that in relation to the industry’s complexities is beneficial to their professional growth. Well-rounded associates with a deep understanding of the standard of excellence we are known for will keep on raising the bar for our organization and the industry as a whole,” as mentioned by Mike Spears, SIOR, CCIM, Managing Principal.

Lee & Associates – Houston Research

About Lee & Associates – Houston

Lee & Associates – Houston is a fully-integrated commercial real estate company with unrivaled market knowledge and an unwavering commitment to integrity and excellence. Our business-minded brokers specialize in office, industrial, and land real estate investments. Lee & Associates – Houston is part of a nationwide network of brokers in more than 75 offices in North America. The brokerage is uniquely qualified to support our client’s real estate needs in Houston, across Texas, and throughout the US. For more information, visit lee-associates.com/houston.