Engaging the services of a qualified real estate professional is critical to the completion of a successful transaction, whether the transaction involves the acquisition, disposition, management, appraisal or leasing of commercial property. Your commercial real estate representative should be a specialist and a local market expert with a comprehensive understanding of current market conditions and trend lines. You can count on your Lee & Associates professional to have the experience, knowledge and resources needed to meet the unique challenges of your transaction, and ensure that you make the most informed decision possible.

Industrial users are faced with new challenges every day, including changing regulations, international competition, new technologies and a shortage of efficient, cost-effective space. Our experienced industrial professionals are specialists in their local marketplaces who can help you secure a property that optimizes the operation of your business.

Lee & Associates’ team of commercial real estate professionals includes some of the North Americas top Land brokers. Their expertise in land entitlement and disposition provides our client’s an extensive knowledge of local market conditions, as well as development trends and regulatory issues.

The enormous growth of big-box and online retailing has been the catalyst for rapid logistics industry growth. Advances in materials handling technology and the construction of state-of-the-art facilities near intermodal hubs, has changed the way goods reach the consumer. Our dedicated logistics/supply chain specialists across the country speak your language and work together to get you what you need when you need it.

The proliferation of online retailing has triggered a transformation in the retail sector that we see as an opportunity. Retailers large and small, national and local, have adapted their brick-and-mortar platforms to include omnichannel retailing and “click and bricks” integration along with revised site requirements. Our retail specialists are at the leading edge of this transformation and they understand your unique challenges. Our retail specialists will help you find a tenant/buyer or the right location that optimizes market positioning, revenue growth, stability and profitability for decades to come.

An unprecedented demographic shift in the workforce has business owners rethinking workspace design to attract the workers that will help their businesses grow and thrive. The office has become a home away from home, a place to collaborate and a place to create. Lee office specialists have the experience and knowledge to help you navigate this changing world.

The successful underwriting of any investment property is directly related to the depth of knowledge of occupier market dynamics, a core strength of every Lee office. Our brokers are local specialists who can draw on their hands-on experience and comprehensive suite of analytical tools to help you acquire or dispose of commercial real estate assets when the time is right.

Information Technology has become a mission critical hub for every aspect of our clients’ revenue generating business. The data center requires 100% uptime, and needs to be efficient, scalable, and secure. Lee & Associates’ Data Center Advisory is dedicated to achieving these goals while saving our clients time and money on their data center deployments.